Enter the data from your “A” and “B” pages into the AB test calculator to see if your results have reached statistical significance. Most AB testing experts use a significance level of 95%, which means that 19 times out of 20, your results will not be due to chance.
AB testing is the best way to make sure you increase your conversion rate in the long run.
Within AB testing statistics, your results are considered “significant” when they are very unlikely to have occurred by chance. Achieving statistical significance with a 95% Confidence Level means you know that your results will only occur by chance once in every 20 times.
1) Run your tests for longer, risking the chance that your data will be polluted. Most browsers delete any cookies within one month (some delete them after two weeks). Since AB testing tools use cookies to sort your visitors into group A and group B, long tests run the risk of cross-sampling.
2) One of the most successful variations to try is a version of your webpage with persuasive notifications installed. These grab your visitors’ attention and can be used to create psychological effects such as Social Proof, FOMO and Urgency.
3) Another way to create Uplift is to reduce Friction on your page. You can do this by removing the number of fields in a form, adding helpful text or visual cues, or with Friction notifications.
Enter the data from your “A” and “B” pages into the AB test calculator to see if your results have reached statistical significance. Most AB testing experts use a significance level of 95%, which means that 19 times out of 20, your results will not be due to chance.
AB testing is the best way to make sure you increase your conversion rate in the long run.
Within AB testing statistics, your results are considered “significant” when they are very unlikely to have occurred by chance. Achieving statistical significance with a 95% Confidence Level means you know that your results will only occur by chance once in every 20 times.
1) Run your tests for longer, risking the chance that your data will be polluted. Most browsers delete any cookies within one month (some delete them after two weeks). Since AB testing tools use cookies to sort your visitors into group A and group B, long tests run the risk of cross-sampling.
2) One of the most successful variations to try is a version of your webpage with persuasive notifications installed. These grab your visitors’ attention and can be used to create psychological effects such as Social Proof, FOMO and Urgency.
3) Another way to create Uplift is to reduce Friction on your page. You can do this by removing the number of fields in a form, adding helpful text or visual cues, or with Friction notifications.